>> 2015 Partner Resources
May 21 Kickoff Meeting
June 15: Partners and Strategies to Make an Impact
July 29: The Role of Law Enforcement and Strategies for Coordination
September 24: Successes and Challenges
December 14: 2015 Wrap Up
November 12, 2015: Durham Event
- NC DOT Secretary Nick Tennyson (Video No. 1)
- NC DOT Secretary Nick Tennyson (Video No. 2)
- Durham Police Assistant Chief Ed Sarvis
- Event Photos
Contact Lists
- Watch for Me NC Communication Plan Template: A 5-page workbook to assist with planning coalition development, kick-off events, public engagement, and material distribution. Includes key considerations to make and links to helpful resources.
- Watch for Me NC Media Toolkit: A complement to the communications plan template that provides background and tips for for basic safety communication strategies to reach the public and elected officials; includes template press releases, and talking points.
- Watch for Me NC Timeline: Provides a brief overview of key milestones for local communities and NCDOT to take during the 2015 program year.
- Watch for Me NC 2014 Overview and Crash Facts
- Let’s Go NC! Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Curriculum: An all-in-one package of lesson plans, materials, activities and instructional videos that encourages children to learn about and practice fundamental skills that build safe habits.
- Pedestrian Safer Journey and Bicycle Safer Journey: helps educators, parents and others who care about pedestrian and bicycle safety to get the conversation started with children and youth. Videos (one for each of three age groups: 5-9, 10-14 and 15-18) accompanied by a quiz or discussion and an educator’s resource library can be used as an introduction to pedestrian and bicycle safety skills or to augment a comprehensive curriculum.
- Teaching Children to Walk Safely as They Grow and Develop: This guide, developed by the National Center for Safe Routes to School, is intended to help parents and caregivers match their guidance and expectations with their children’s abilities.
- Pedestrian Safety Tips for Parents and Children: A useful tip-sheet for caregivers, developed by the National Center for Safe Routes to School.
- NHTSA Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety among Hispanics: A collection of pedestrian and bicycle safety print materials and radio ads developed for Spanish speakers.
- NHTSA Walk and Bike Safely Curriculum: This curriculum is designed specifically for use by teachers and volunteers working with adult immigrants who are beginning English language learners.
- NC SRTS Spanish Resources: A collection of SRTS safety tip sheets and talking points, walkability checklist, helmet-fitting guide, and other resources developed for Spanish speakers.
- Pedestrian Safety Tips for Parents and Children: A useful tip-sheet for caregivers, developed by the National Center for Safe Routes to School.
- Spanish Language Webinars: This two-part Spanish language webinar series provides important information and resources for planning for child pedestrian safety.
- I’m Safe! Child Safety Solutions, Inc.: This website provides safety related products, including coloring books and materials for children, in English and Spanish and comes recommended by El Pueblo staff.
Enforcement and Laws
- Template Open Letter to District Attorneys
- NHTSA Pedestrian Safety Training for Law Enforcement (link to order CD-ROM): A comprehensive guide for how officers can enhance enforcement efforts to protect pedestrians.
- Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations: A How-To Guide
- Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations Webinar
- 2-3:30 pm, Thursday, June 18
- To Register, go to: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1537593709704836609
- Raleigh PD Operations Plan for Hillsboro St.
- NC State Univ. PD Pedestrian Crosswalk Operations Plan
- Cary PD Pedestrian Crosswalk Enforcement Operation
- UNC-Greensboro Operation Plan