>> 2021 Watch for Me NC Workshop Modules

Six Watch for Me NC workshops will be offered this program year. These workshops provide an opportunity for all community members to learn more about pedestrian and bicyclist safety to help bolster their knowledge and inform community participation in the Watch for Me NC program.

A law enforcement officer from your community is required to attend three out of the six trainings. One of these trainings must be Module 2 or Module 3. Module 2 is for law enforcement officers only and will not be recorded.  This same topic is available for all other community members as Module 3, though law enforcement officers may also attend this module. Participation in person or via a recorded session is mandatory to receive Watch for Me NC materials.

Module 1: Safe Systems Approach and Why Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Matters 


To receive credit for reviewing Module 1, please review the workshop and take a post-workshop assessment and evaluation here.  

Modules 2 and 3: Traffic Laws and Enforcement Practices
For all community members, including law enforcement officers


To receive credit for reviewing Modules 2/3, please review the workshop and take a post-workshop assessment and evaluation here.  

Module 4: Road Design and Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety 


To receive credit for reviewing Module 4, please review the workshop and take a post-workshop assessment and evaluation here.  

Module 5: Crash Data, Investigation, and Reporting


To receive credit for reviewing Module 5, please review the workshop and take a post-workshop assessment and evaluation here.    

Module 6: Communications around Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety


To receive credit for reviewing Module 6, please review the workshop and take a post-workshop assessment and evaluation here.