>> Franklin

Watch for Me NC in Cary

  • Watch for Me NC participant since: 2018
  • Population: 78,321
  • Lead agency: Franklin Police Department

The Town of Franklin in Macon County is committed to pedestrian and bicycle safety and recently developed a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. The Little Tennessee Greenway goes through the downtown area and is frequently used by pedestrians and bicyclists. The Town of Franklin believes the Watch for Me NC program will raise awareness of basic traffic laws and increase the safety of vulnerable road users.

The Franklin Police Department leads the Watch for Me NC program and collaborates with various partners including the Town of Franklin, Macon County Public Transit, Macon County Public Health Department, Let’s Go NC!, and Macon County Public Schools.

Education and Enforcement Activities
The Town of Franklin Planning Department, Franklin Police Department, and Macon County schools hope to incorporate the Watch for Me program into their Walk to School Days and bicycle helmet distributions at local schools. Additionally, there is potential to incorporate the program into Public Safety Day, Coffee with a Cop, Shop with a Cop, and RAD.

Key Outcomes

  • Increase collaboration with community stakeholders through task force meetings
  • Incorporate Watch for Me program into community outreach opportunities

Lessons Learned
The community was able to leverage existing partnerships and safety focused events and educational programs to launch the Watch for Me program.