>> Elizabeth City

Watch for Me NC in Elizabeth City

  • Watch for Me NC participant since: 2017
  • Population: 18,000
  • Lead agency: Elizabeth City Police


Elizabeth City is located at the mouth of the Pasquotank River near the North Carolina Atlantic Coastline. An historic port city, Elizabeth City is famous for greeting boaters visiting from around the world with a rose, wine, and cheese as they anchor, which has earned the town the nickname ‘Harbor of Hospitality’. Central Elizabeth City draws residents and visitors alike to its compact, walkable shopping and retail district. The US Coast Guard maintains a major base in Elizabeth City.


The Elizabeth City Police Department received substantial assistance from the town’s Parks and Recreation Department. The Pasquotank County Health Department and Albemarle Regional Health Services provided additional support, along with the Pasquotank County Public School System. The Inter County Public Transportation Authority and local Active Routes to School collaborated on increasing safety of children and youths biking and walking to school in the area. The Albemarle Alliance for Children and Families and Elizabeth City Housing Authority both joined in the effort to host events promoting bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Education and Enforcement Activities

Elizabeth City’s Police Department sought to get the Watch for Me NC word out by participating in a long list of community events and gatherings. Resources were distributed at National Night Out, Juneteenth, and the locally popular Potato Festival. Officers worked to promote safety via school presentations, neighborhood watch groups, PSAs, bike rodeos and through the Community Policing Bureau. Enforcement efforts focused on speed enforcement and included a mobile radar trailer deployed in areas of pedestrian traffic. Watch for Me NC law enforcement officer training  included around 25 enforcement agents.

Key Outcomes

Expanding partnerships for promoting bicyclist and pedestrian safety became a key component for Elizabeth City, and feedback from local partners was very positive.

Lessons Learned

  • Elizabeth City Police Department found that Watch for Me NC branded bike lights were helpful for improving public outreach.
  • Staff training for local enforcement agents proved very important for Elizabeth City.